Saturday, September 18, 2010

More Todos

9:40 am
    What a wonderful thing – a whole weekend alone with nothing scheduled!! But lots of the ToDo list. And lots of the previous ToDo list that I have not yet done.

* Woodlot
o find the form needed to get the $600 from the state for the green certification
o get a copy of the trust
o get info about the windmills out to the whole gang
o facilitate whatever communication is needed to make the cutting decisions
* work
o just be sure I am ready for today’s lab
o get lab group info pulled together

o send out contact emails to the 2 labs
o read new lab write up
* 350
o Put up posters at Hampshire and MHC
o Send out message urging folks to all use group email for all messages
o Get our info onto
o Update the Amherst 350 site

* House
o Make sure all is ok with basement work
o Call chimney sweep
o Get chimney cap
o Call re windows
o Call re insulation
o Finish pulling insulation out of walls – do I need to do that in attic?

Ugh, that is pretty depressing, so many things still undone. But I have a new list today and this one is much nicer!
* Take photos of bunnies to make a for sale poster
* Mail off the finished hat
* Mail Jonathon Livingston Seagull book to L for her seagull loving prof
* Finish and mail off cowl
* Cook vegetables from CSA farm
* Pluck Beatrix (to get more fawn fiber that I can finish spinning for the Fiber Twist)
* Set up dye pots (solar dyeing seems to be done for the year until I can arrange more effective solar heating
So too bad for the other todo list, I think that at least today I will focus on this more fun stuff. I worked really hard yesterday and the day before on the stuff, I don’t know if anything will come of it in the end, but I need to take a break from it.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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