Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Mountain Day!!!

    Today is Mountain Day!!! What a treat. To explain: every fall the president of the college declares one day Mountain Day and all classes are cancelled. I got myself up early in order to get to the 8:20 bus so I could be at work by 9 in order to reassemble quizzes, then meet with 2 students before lecture at 11, then I would grab lunch and get my head around lab and then teach lab at 1. But now I have to do none of that!! Or rather I must do it all, but not today. I was thinking I would still need to go in to do the exam, but we will not be able to return them until Friday, so we can put them together tomorrow. And I’m hoping the students can meet Thurs. I don’t want to drive all the way down there for just a short thing. I worked really hard yesterday, even in spite of it being my bday, so it is nice to have this day today.
    Yesterday I finished the quiz page grading. Wow, I’m trying to think what else I possibly did that could be considered work. Well, I had 2 lab papers to finish, but they were very quick. And I had to deal with the basement guy, and make some household calls. A friend came for a visit which was really nice. We just drank tea and sat and chatted. I did not do a thing about emptying the car, mainly because it was raining all day. I did manage to get in a walk to Misty Bottom with Tigger which was nice. The hardest part of the day was later when G got home. The college fair was last night, and she had agreed that we would talk college stuff a bit in the afternoon. She did not get home until about 4:30 and she was obviously exhausted. She did NOT want to talk about it, but I decided I had to be pushy. And I’m glad I was because she is obviously having a really hard time with the whole task of choosing which colleges to apply to. Somehow it is really overwhelming. God I wish that somehow it were easier and that she could feel even a little good or excited about it. She says she wants to go to college, she’s not worried about leaving, being somewhere new, making friends, any of that, it’s just that none of the places she’s looked at are very inspiring to her. I think they seem too mainstream. She seems to want something quirky and different. Maybe I’ll play around a bit on line today and see if I can discover anything useful. We meet with the college counselor in 2 weeks and I have a feeling that will NOT be useful. Or at any rate that it will be even more stress inducing. Anyway, after working at talking around the subject for quite a while yesterday, we finally went to the college fair and it was AWFUL!! Way way way too crowded, nearly impossible to find schools or get to them, we chatted briefly with someone from Green Mountain, and someone from Marlboro, and then left. So the idea of G cooking supper, or buying me supper at Mom’s Place, or feeding the buns went out the window. Oh well. I think I will meditate and feed the buns now and see what the day brings. Emptying the car for one, and tidying for another.
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1 comment:

Cynthia said...

You mean the college president just cancels things in the morning??? That's kind of cool but I can't imagine that happening at any of the schools I've worked at or attended; I think the communities would just flip at the randomness of it.

I just followed the comment link from my blog to yours so am not familiar with G but something that helped me hugely when choosing between colleges is this series:

It's interviews with students about what it's like to attend & live at a particular college. It is SO much better at conveying atmosphere than things like Barron's. Most public libraries will carry it.