Thursday, July 07, 2011

A Fair Coming Up - work work work

8:20 am
                Whew, quite a day yesterday. I did manage to get over to my friend’s at about 4 (instead of the planned 3). I thought the plan had been to write, so I brought a laptop, but my friend was so distracted with cleaning and getting things ready for all of the guests (a mass of girls mostly) that would be arriving. I ended up sitting under the apple tree with her son and writing on my own. Nothing fancy, just some attempts at kit instructions. I wish I could get hold of some circular needles that I could include with a kit. Maybe I’ll go on a quest later since I actually have a car here today. Or I could even bike. Well, everyone did finally arrive (not my girls), and we did finally eat, everything turned out very well.
                What about today? Well what I really need to do is get ready for the fair in various ways. Mostly by writing up those kit instructions, maybe take some photos to use for a cover, figure out how to package and display them. Maybe find a source for needles I could include. I also have a bunch of skeins of gray angora that I need to wash so they have time to dry. And I’d like to finish the 4 skeins of the gray/green stuff so that I can skein, wash and dry them for the fair. I guess that should be the first step since the drying will take some time. I don’t have very big expectations for this fair, but I suppose I should try to channel some good energy, think positive, hope for the best rather than anticipate the worst. Well the good thing is that it is very close, and I should see some folks I know which is always nice. I sure hope the weather is decent. I think will bring 2 of the “teenager” bunnies. Sure would be nice if that could inspire someone to buy one – but it has to be someone who knows what they are getting into, not an impulse “cute bunny” buy.
                Just another thought or two about ToDo’s – I need to pay bills. I need to go through emails (!! – I think I have about 55 accumulated). Sometime soon I need to organize stuff on the computer, especially fair stuff. I need to review my fair notes and see what I said I would do. I need to work on bunny cages – clean the two separate ones, put wire flooring on the hutches, lower the support boards that accumulate droppings, get some cages set for babies that will soon be leaving nests….
                Too Much To Do!
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