Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Class and Food

6:30 am
                Last day of July! Augg! Class went well which is a big relief. Now I just have to keep it up for 4 more days. And soon the novelty will wear off… The baby buns were of course a big hit yesterday. Today I will bring Bathsheba and we will attempt to pluck her. Not sure she’ll be such a hit, anyway she will be impressive. I’ll bring babies back Wednesday. And maybe on Thursday I’ll bring a couple of the big babes. That will certainly show them what happens when they are not groomed. We started spinning with spin sticks – in partners. Some of them started to get it. Nice thing is that with 4 kids, that makes two drafting at a time and I can alternate working with them. We’ll keep practicing today, and do more dyeing (of course they like that) and pluck the rabbit, and I don’t think we’ll get to felting, but I may bring the stuff just in case we need something more active outside. I’ll be accumulating a lot of stuff there; it will certainly be a pain to haul it all home on Friday.
                I was very productive before and after class. Before I fed buns, did my stretches and wrote, gathered the rest of my stuff, and also had time to hang out 2 loads of laundry and clean out parts of cages that needed it. And I cleaned up the gross dye pot. I need to gather more goldenrod to start a new one. After class I took a much needed rest/meditate then I made supper  (grilled sausage which was relatively simple – oh I also stir fried some baby bok choy and made salad so it was not SO simple), I washed up and even managed to take in the laundry and start plucking Dylan who badly needs it. I am not really thrilled with his coat – it is not as long as I would like. I will see how the male white baby turns out from Dolores’s litter. I need to decide on other buns that I will not keep. I like Dinah’s coat in terms of length and texture, trouble is her personality is none too great. Not sure I will keep Delilah. She is sweet, but her coat also is not as long as I would like. And I don’t really need an agouti. I will definitely keep Daffodil and I think Dusty is fine, I do like her personality.
                I am quite tired this morning. I woke up early and could not get back to sleep, but I might even take a nap later before the class. Yesterday morning a lot of time was taken up with eating a second breakfast of egg and toast. I just wanted to be sure I did not end up feeling hungry during class. I’ll need to leave enough time for that again today.
                I should plan meals for the rest of the week so that I don’t have to decide what to cook last minute each day. Tonight I think we will finish the rabbit stew that I turned into a pot pie. It was really good, but I don’t think K likes it for some reason. Too bad. We had something different last night, we can finish the pie tonight and I’ll have a big salad with it. Then what? Something involving summer squash and zucchini since we have them from the share. And perhaps I’ll make some roast Kale. Oh, along with everything else I did yesterday, I also finished drying some melon. I’m thinking it might be good to dry kale with no oil so it can be saved and eaten later. Or given to L for her trip. We also have a bunch of green peppers. What can I do with them? Trouble is I don’t really like them all that much. I suppose I will grill a bunch of veggies later. Eggplant, too. Enough already about FOOD!!!!
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