Sunday, July 22, 2012

Yesterday was Productive, What About Today?

9 am
                I ran again this morning, but again it was kind of a half-run since I again picked up stuff along the way.  And I keep kind of waiting for K to suggest going to black sheep, but he has gone out to split wood so I don’t know if he will.
                Yesterday was fairly productive. We went to the dump and goodwill and got rid of some things, that alone is very productive. I actually got rid of the marionette puppets that have been kicking around forever. And the copper lenses – may be for cameras, I don’t know, that have also been kicking around. I gave them to goodwill and I hope they can figure out the best way to make some money off of them. I finished my first rug from this warp. It is brown/yellow/blue and I think looks pretty good. I hung out and took in two loads of laundry, and even put them away using the excellent technique of dumping them out on the bed so that I MUST put them away before I can go to sleep.
                Today there are two (!) KO performances. One is the usual 4 pm one-woman play, then at 8 there is the story swap. Somehow I will need to get the tickets from A. So around 2:40 I will need to bike up to get a ticket so I don’t miss out as I did last week. I’m feeling like I have been having way too many treats lately, so I may skip the GoBerry and just bike home until the play starts at 4.
                Oh I also managed to file a bunch of stuff and even organize the files a bit. Very very productive. Now maybe I will have no excuse to not deal with the paperwork things that still need to be dealt with. I have several bunnies that need cleaning up and perhaps I will do that now. Really right now I am feeling that groggy tired feeling. Didn’t sleep well last night perhaps bc of the popcorn I ate at the movie. Not  a good idea. Next time I should stick with Metamucit wafers!
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