Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Cold and A Cold

7 am
                Not so lovely Tuesday today as I will be going into work. I need to get to the farm sometime soon to get hay, so I figure I will go in today, maybe go to the farm tomorrow. Except I have to keep an eye on the weather since it is wet and close to freezing. It is not yet a panic, so I could wait until Friday or even the weekend. Thursday morning I meet with the prof to go over the semester so along with the last bit of grading (the liver case study) I want to review labs, how they worked or didn’t, how they could be changed. I actually got to thinking about them last night while I once again had a hard time sleeping. I actually feel like garbage again, probably because of the hard time sleeping which has happened two nights (not as bad last night, really bad the night before) and may be because I seem to have gotten G’s cold. I should not complain bc it is just a mild one at this point. It is just that I feel in general crappy. I think today, rather than run in the gym, I will perhaps walk. I’ve been thinking of doing this – walk to the Hess station and catch the bus there. It would be about a mile, and I figure if I leave when I normally would for the bus, I will catch the one after it half an hour later. I have to think about what the heck to cook for supper tonight. As usual we had fish, rice and frozen vegetables last night (guess who cooked?) so I am thinking I might put together a casserole of the rice and veg with some cottage cheese (we have a lot) and egg. Maybe I will toss in the roasted vegetables with it. I could put that together now then put it in the oven whenever I get home, which will be well before K as he is coming home at 6:30.
                I checked weather and it does not look too bad for driving up the next few days. It will be wet but above freezing. I could go up 116 which would probably be better. I texted a friend about possibly going to MA MOCA but have not heard back. Too bad there is no heat or water so stopping for a visit at the farm would not be especially nice. I guess I’ll just grab the hay and go.
                Did a bit of spinning last night – I put together 9 ounces of “black” angora and am working my way through that. I used a mix of Ella, Ebony and Bart and there is a lot of light gray, even close to white in there. It will be quite variegated. And it is not especially exciting to spin. Well, maybe I can do some with the radio on at some point. Maybe I’ll even get home earlyish this afternoon. I have plenty to do in the room – sorting and organizing, but I feel kind of crappy, so I may not stay late. And maybe I will just go in tomorrow and wait to do the farm run until the weekend. I ought to take my temperature, I feel quite crummy right now. I need to get my flu shot – I keep messing up. Scheduled it but had no $ for the fee, then rescheduled and forgot. Now I feel like I should wait until the cold is gone.
                Other big project – I MUST clean out the fridge. It really stinks. Not sure what is it, but I need to find out. Between that and the dog poop… well, the house is starting to smell pretty bad.  Now I am starting to think that I will not do the big walk. I may just go in. Just walking to the bus stop will be enough. If I get myself in there I will probably feel better because I will be distracted. I mostly graded in my office yesterday, but today maybe I will go to the lab. Mix it up. I have to come up with a rubric for the liver lab, then I think I have about 8 of them. Not too bad. Of course the students will never see them unless I email them, which I just might do. Or mail them to their PO boxes. Which I could do with those that did not pick up their urine graph assignments.

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