Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snowy Day and Cooking

7:30 am
                K is out shoveling, so I feel kind of guilty sitting here. And now the dog is whining to go out. Oh brother. Ok. Let him out. Now how long until he gets let back in and I have to take care of cleaning him off?
                Grumpy again, can you tell? Oh, now L is up, that is nice. She is here for a few days until she moves into her room that she is renting. And G is off in Oregon.
                What will today bring? We have the gathering at K’s friend’s. I may make the same oven baked potato chips that I did for the solstice party. They came out very well, and I certainly do have potatoes. But they were a lot of work: wash peel slice then bake and turn turn turn. And I was even thinking of roasting some garlic and making a garlic dip to serve with them. Too much effort? Maybe. The entire day before that party ended up being cooking and food prep, what with the chips and also making a buche de noel. And yesterday ended up being a lot of cooking too. I made a lentil stew with lots of vegetables that I grated and fried up and put in. Not as good as G’s but ok. What else happened yesterday? Oh, I did errands, which also takes forever, and ran into a friend at CVS which was good, and then Gcalled while we were there which was funny. Other than the errands and the cooking, what the heck did I do? Oh, well, the back porch was a solid chunky bunch of ice and snow, so I spent a long time chopping that off.
                And today, besides maybe cooking? I think there will have to be a lot of laundry done. Load after load and then sorted. I think K will go xc skiing, and L also wants to go. She asked if she could use my skis which is fine. I have not used them in years and don’t know where anything is. So she can go ahead and find everything.
                Looks like Tigger will be around for a while longer. K had talked about putting him down after we got  back, but then he said he does not like the idea of playing god, and now here we are again. It seems like we ought to get him a wheeled cart of some sort if we are actually going to keep him around. I hate to see him gimping along with his foot turned so he is walking on the top of it. That can’t feel good. And next week  K goes off to Haiti meaning I am left to deal with Tigger. I guess the night I teach my class I will have to stay home until after I feed him and then go in. This week I will be able to go in and stay because K will be home.  Actually there will be 2 weeks that he is not around. And the small car will be in Boston for the full 10 days that he is gone. Unless someone….wants to drive him to the airport. Not me.
                Time to feed buns.
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