Monday, December 31, 2012

Last Day of the Year

7:30 am
                What a treat – all alone today! Well, me and Tigger…. Maybe I will spend the day spinning… yesterday I ended up doing far more cooking once again than perhaps I should have. I made another batch of the potato crisps and they are very tasty but they do take time. And I also made roasted garlic. It did not seem to be very popular. I ended up bringing a lot of it back. It ended up being a how to keep chickens gathering, which is I guess what K meant when he called it a chicken whisperers party. I was afraid, as the intent became more clear, that it was going to be a tuperware party for chicken keepers, with the presenters being chicken dealers trying to sell us chicken keeping equipment. But it was just a couple who live in Shutesbury and keep chickens, and other folks that I guess the host thought might be interested. And it turned out to be a reasonably nice crowd and at least it meant I could participate in the conversation reasonably well. One of his neighbors has a daughter who is in Portland OR working as a naturalist at the big Forest Park there. Would be nice if I could figure out a way to connect her with G, but I suppose she would balk at that.
                What else did I do yesterday? I did manage to do some spinning. Finished the singles of black angora, now I ply them and am done with that. On to the brown.  Tigger wanted to go outside and now he is out there barking. Well I am just going to let him. It is nearly 8, if anyone is not yet awake, too bad. And being winter everyone’s windows are closed, so I’m hoping they won’t hear him anyway. Yesterday’s other project was to attempt to feed Snakey. I took him out first while I got everything ready, then I put him back in with fresh water and a nicely thawed mouse, but he has not touched it. He did look like he will shed soon, so whether it is that, or that I bothered him by taking him out, or maybe he was cold while we were away and that put him off somehow I don’t know. G said to leave it there for a full day and maybe he would eat it. Otherwise take it out and try again next week. I guess I’ll wait until he sheds.
                Oh, the other thing I need to do today is lots of financial stuff. I will enter the rest of the checks for the year and go back to all those credit card bills and “split” them. I sure would like to start in on tax stuff early this year. And I will do the FAFSA based on last year’s tax. Tomorrow is New Year’s, so one more day home – yay! It will be first person at night, so I’ll need to go to that. Then back to work on Wednesday. And there is plenty to do there. First I guess I’ll continue the work sorting organizing and putting lab equipment away. And in between I can take some time to write up things from last semester before I forget. I also need to send a letter to the folks that signed up for my spinning class. I ought to do that today.
                Time to do stretches, get dressed and feed buns. Bart was not looking especially happy last night, he did not eat his food. So I gave him a dose of vasoline. I hope he is better today.

Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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