Thursday, December 30, 2010

Absolutely Nothing Fibrous

9 am
                Not sure what good writing Morning Pages will do me today. I am feeling rather crappy. Overwhelmed of course, as usual, though I did manage to get a good bit done yesterday in terms of going through the huge pile of papers. I think G is heading off this morning to watch a movie at a friend’s, then to work for most of the day. L and I talked briefly about the idea of going for some sort of hike. I don’t know if that will happen. We also talked about making mozzarella cheese. Don’t know if that will happen either. I guess I must stay very flexible. As for myself, I very much want to get those returns – wool pants, wool socks – taken care of.
                Right now I am cold and that makes it very much harder to think about doing anything.                It is really starting to bother me that I am doing this sleeping til 8 thing every day. I went to bed by 10:30 last night, though the truth is that I did not sleep that well. Funny, since part of why it was hard to get out of bed this morning was that it was cold, but part of why I did not sleep well is that I was hot off and on. Complicated. Another thing I had better focus on today is getting more laundry done. I really hope that when the repair man gets back from vacation, he can come over soon to look at this damn washer. And I also hope that replacing the clutch will actually solve the problem. I hope we do NOT have to get a new one. But as it is right now, I must put in a wash, then when it finishes I must give it another rinse, then when that finishes I must spin it out again with the water turned off. Truly crazy and very time consuming. It looks like today might be a day that I could hang laundry out, so perhaps I will try that.
                We went to friends’ last night for latkes. It was like “old times” and actually quite fun. I had meant to ask them about L’s Apple computer which she says has been really slow, and about getting an apple laptop for G. Well, I guess I could call them. I think I will spend a little time this morning checking a few things out on line. Like what? I’m sure I will shortly forget. Ok – how much are apples? And are there any sites where people share thoughts on my most recent 2 novels – The Ground Beneath Her Feet  Salman Rushdie, and  No More Parades,  Ford Maddox Ford. I certainly cannot find anyone in my immediate vicinity who has read these, and it would be interesting to see what others have thought.
                As I said, I managed to get a good ways through the Pile From Hell. I started to deal with insurance stuff – now I must await the itemized  bill from MDI Hospital. And await the form from the other insurance company about our ceiling before I can finish dealing with that. I managed to pay bills and enter checks and balance the account. Woo hoo. I guess I will continue to dig through and see if I can finish. And maybe come up with a better system than piling everything on the kitchen table.
                It’s 9:30, I’ve spent half an hour doing this. Time to move on (like get dressed and feed the bunnies, which , by the way, is taking an awful long time these days…..).
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