Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Discouragement and Photos!

9 am
                I am feeling discouraged this morning. Not sure why. Well, last night I spun up some very nice stuff – I spun ½ ounce of the pink lumpy stuff and plied it with some plucked white angora. 

It came out very nice. But now the question is, what to do with it? I knit up a pair of lace wrist warmers that I finished over the weekend.

Note the difference in color - that's what flash will do!

I like the way they look, but the reality is that I don’t really like wearing wrist warmers. Not that that matters, if I put them in my booth or Etsy shop and other people like them. But it is hard to evaluate if they are good, if I don’t like them by definition. I am needing to think of more small skein projects, especially ones I could make into kits. I might make this skein into a calorimetry headscarf. Actually it is not even a skein since I wound it into a ball straight off the bobbin. I will knit it up and wash it after knitting; that seems to work fine and saves a step. 
I also started knitting up a lace mobias strip with some other wool/angora ply. We'll see how it turns out.
                Today I need to go into work kind of late, meet with a couple of students 2-5. It means I will get home late, but I made some nice chicken soup last night so supper is taken care of. I need to do some errands before that which will be interesting as it snowed last night. Well, by the time I get out there the roads will be pretty clear. And I hope not too icy since I will be driving the small car which is not great in ice. I wonder if one can get studded tires for that car. Especially if we give the station wagon to L next year. I don’t need to drive around very often, but if all we have is the little car and the camper bus it might be interesting getting K to work on those nasty icy days.
                                Well I can think of nothing else to say. Now I sound like Emily Dickenson in her 12 year old letters that Garrison Kiellor read at Amherst College last week. She kept saying she had nothing else to say, then adding more and more about the chickens or horse. I have no chickens to report on, and nothing to say about the rabbits. Except that I plucked Bathsheba yesterday. That leaves only, lets see, Blizzard needs doing, and I think that is all for now. I need to clip a few babies who are terribly tangled.
                Now I truly will end.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!! http://www.etsy.com/shop/twistedmysteries

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