Friday, December 17, 2010

Various Emergencies

9:50 am
                I did the Gma duty yesterday and day before, driving down to get her, taking her to G’s concert, bringing her home yesterday. And then I went to work and when I got home last night there were 3 messages from her on the machine. First: she had left her toiletries bag with all her medications. Then, that she had found more of most of them in her medicine cabinet, but not the crucial eye drops. Third that the doctor had called in a new prescription and that my sister was able to pick it up for her. So no longer a major emergency. I’m glad I was not home to hear it all play out until the problem had been basically solved. I still need to bring the bad to the PO to mail it to her, since it has things like her toothbrush, but at least it need not be overnight express. Oh dear.
                And next emergency – the wood. Well, my friend convinced me that I should call the firewood company since they were at least partly to blame for not having it on record that I need the 12-14 inch split wood, not the 16 inch. Or they should ask. Anyway, she convinced me and I called and felt quite good about it. But they have not called back and I have a feeling they are avoiding me like the plague. I guess I will just have to keep trying. And the washing machine: it does not spin out all the way, meaning that after every load I must turn off the water and respin it out. It just adds a step and is kind of a pain. And the guy – a local repair man who is the husband of a friend and G’s former piano teacher, has gotten the part it needs but cannot come to work on it until they get back from vacation after Christmas. So I will continue to do the extra spin. It is not a huge big deal, but K was all worked up about it. Well, he hardly does any laundry so why should he worry about it? And now – the kitchen sink. I have just had the revelation that I really should call the plumber to replace the faucet. I bought a new one, and it has been on the back burner so to speak for months. But now there are 2 other leaks that really should be looked at, neither of which I would know how to fix, so why not call the plumber to take care of all of it?
                And what I DO have to do is empty the camper bus (it’s only been 2 weeks!) and organize fiber stuff. Not to mention pluck Blizzard who really needs it, and probably Amber and clip the babies who are very tangled.
                Today I will bring the brown baby (not such a baby any more!) in to work. I have a study session and figure that would be nice.
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