Monday, December 06, 2010


8:20 am
                Well, as has been true of the past several days I really hardly have time to write (and as has also been true, I am having a hard time with my typing). I just spent several precious minutes trying to figure out why the computer was no longer capitalizing the first letters of sentences, and how to get it to do it again. Since I am such a lousy typist, I need all the help I can get with autocorrect. I figured it out, and it is all set. But I still don’t know why it is no longer letting the beginning of a day – say “mond” automatically become Monday. Hmmmm.
                This past weekend was the Holiday Fair in Northampton. It was fun, but it sure is a lot of work, and I really didn’t make much. It is discouraging. Especially since I have a bunch of grading I need to get done and I touched none of it. Between the fair, having L home (they cooked our replacement “Thanksgiving Dinner” Saturday night, complete with friends, which was very nice and lots of fun, but of course hectic) and going to MHC Vespers last night the weekend was quite packed. OK, I really must go and do everything I need to do before catching the bus.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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