Thursday, December 02, 2010

Home Again

7:45 am
                Long time no write, but with the trip et al. I have good excuses. I’m still feeling a bit dull-witted, though how much of that is travel related and how much is just normal, hard to say. I have acquired the anole lizard that I had gotten a friend’s son from work for his boy scout badge. They will be leaving in a month for CA, so had to return the lizard. I can bring it back to work, but I think the rest of the lizards are all gone – whether they died or are being used by a researcher at UMass I don’t know – so I’m thinking I might just keep her. I kind of like having an anole around (fond memories of my old lizard Alexander). This one is quite mellow and happy to sit on my hand, or (as right now) on my shoulder. I’m not sure how well she is eating. The crickets in her cage seem very large, maybe I’ll see if I can get some tiny ones from work which might be better as she is very small. Just what I need, another distraction in my life.
                I cannot bear, at this minute, to write anything elaborate about the Thanksgiving From Hell trip. Maybe another day. Suffice it to say that we are home, we survived, and now it is back to the usual, except that L is here, which of course makes it highly unusual. And Sat K goes to CT for an Awakening the Dreamer conference, then Monday to Haiti where he’ll be for 10 days. So that will all be a bit unusual. And Mon L will go camping in NH, then straight from there to VT for a Wilderness First Responder class. And this weekend is the Big Brother/Big Sister Fair for which I am not really ready (I left the bus packed up from the Hartsbrook Fair so that is helpful).
                Today being Thursday I do not have to be in until lab at 1, but I really should get going as early as I can so that I can get those silly skeletons put away, and think about dealing with all the dissection stuff that is sitting in the hood in the prep room. And since I made chocolate cookie bars for yesterday’s group, I need to make something for today’s group. G somehow came up with a bag of apples, most of which are getting past the point where she will eat them, so I think I will try some sort of applesauce cake. And I need to think about what I will produce for supper tonight. Maybe I should leave L with that task….. she likes to cook for herself, but I don’t think she likes the idea of cooking for all of us – too much pressure.
                I drove in to work yesterday because I had so much I needed to bring in (2 jugs of cider, the bars, the text books from Bob, the lizard). But then I forgot the lizard and the texts! So I will bring the texts today (along with more bars) but not the lizard. So I can take the bus. Of course I also have a study session after lab, so I will be home late.
Visit my new Etsy Shop!!

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