Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Redux - Fibrous Gifts!

8:40 am
                Been a while since I wrote. The big xday is done. I got a very nice cast iron fry pan, some lendrum bobbins, a niddy-noddy, some forks. All that was very nice. And Friday, xmas eve day, I discovered a secret. That is the day to go visit people. Unfortunately I was in a royally bad mood, so I was not really spreading tons of festive cheer, but I brought truffles to several friends and they all seemed happy to get them and happy for me to stop by. It may have to become a tradition. Though I wonder if the pressure will be on next year to go to NC for Christmas.
                Fibery things: I finished the Very Simple Wrist Warmers – knit flat in garter stitch then sewn up. They came out nice and would make an excellent Really Easy kit. Now I am making the same thing but turned 90 degrees, so that one would not even have to do a gage, just cast on for the length and knit until they are the correct width around the hand. Cool. Or rather warm. I want, speaking of warm, to also make a muff lined with angora.
                Non fiber things: what the week ahead will bring. Well, L is only here for one more week, then she is off again. Oh dear. I like just having her here so I can look at her, watch her in whatever she is doing. If I think about it, I will start to cry. What else? Tomorrow I head to work to finish grades. Meaning that today I must finish the labs and exams. I am nearly done. Then comes tax/financial stuff. That has to be the big focus of the week. I must get stuff ready for the FAFSA. yuckola.  I also need to get things ready for the JTerm Spinning class. It looks like this will be the final year for JTerm, so I guess I won’t be able to teach the class again. Too bad. I need to look into teaching a LSSE class. For JTerm I must send out letters, fix the wheel, check on the new drum carder, gather materials, and haul everything over to work. I need not do the hauling til next week, but the letters should be sent soon.
                Besides all that, today’s big focus will be snow. It is snowing pretty heavily right now, and we are going to have to do some major shoveling. I am hoping the girls will do most of it. I have to do the back porch so I can get to bunnies, who, speaking of which, I need to do soon!
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