Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Dog and Lab

7:45 am
                Okey dokey this has been a trying morning so far. As in, Tigger was up and annoying at like 3:30 and so from then on it was waking up/sleeping until now. You want to know what? I am tired of the dog being such a huge focus of my attention. I am tired of thinking about the whole situation. Well I am home today so guess what, I get to deal with him/think about him all day. Lucky me.
                I will also deal with and think about all kinds of fair stuff that needs to be done. Mostly, let’s see, I need to write up a description of what I do for the fair. Everyone is supposed to do this. I also need to look over the class/demo schedules and make sure they are all as they should be. And I need to contact people about Drop-In-Spin.
                Yesterday was a bit of a blurr at work. I got in early enough to put nice posters up in 111. And now one of the profs decided to change the lab for next week. The good part is that she will be doing what the other prof had planned. So I will just need to get the stuff for one lab together. I will need to work hard tomorrow gathering all that stuff. But at least I was able to meet for a good long while with the profs –first together, then later in the afternoon it was just one and we went over a bunch of the labs. So I am feeling more together about it all. But then in my office I was writing things out and clarifying on my prep schedule (on the computer) and all my corrections got lost. I am very good about saving things and I did attempt to save what I was doing but for some reason it messed up and I searched all my files for it but it was not to be found, so I had to do it all again. Sucko.
                Ok time to: do some stretches, feed buns, then……get out and try a little ski since it snowed yesterday and I Think the snow might be ok.
                AND – here are some photos, provided I can get them loaded!

Bathbeba not loving the flash

Bathsheba enjoying her breakfast
The benefit of getting up early

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